8 Signs That Show You Have A Toxic Person In Your Life


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Coming into contact with toxic substances can make you sick and could even kill you. It’s no different with toxic people. Because we all live, work and play out in society, there is no way to avoid running into or meeting toxic people

 But, there are some surefire warning signs that you can look out for. Below are 8 signs that show someone may be a toxic person.

1. Drama, drama everywhere : Toxic people are always involved in some kind of drama. Whether it is a crisis or conflict, it is always something. Toxic people thrive on drama and are usually the instigators of the situation.  Despite this, they always play the victim.

2. They’re never wrong: Toxic people feel the need to be right every time, at all times. Toxic people try to prove they are right and when they can’t, they will resort to closing off any new information and stop the conversation, usually with an insult.  If someone can simply not accept the fact that they are not right all of the time, no matter how much evidence or proof is present, then this is a sign they might be a toxic person.

3. Constantly critical: There is a difference between someone who genuinely cares about you being totally honest with you and someone who is constantly criticizing everything about you.  If there is someone in your life who is constantly criticizing you, judging you and giving you unasked for advice, it is probably not you, but them.

4. They’re controlling: Someone who has to be in control in every situation is probably a toxic person. Telling you what to do and how to feel all the time can get old, fast. So can someone who constantly manipulates the situations you’re in. Look for these kinds of warning signs. If you feel like someone is using you, cut them out of your life.

5. Constantly talking and interrupting: A major indication that someone is toxic is that they are unable to hold a normal conversation. Toxic people want you to think they know everything (remember, they’re never wrong) and will constantly interrupt so they seem like they know everything. If someone talks and rarely listens or, even worse, doesn’t listen at all, they may be toxic.

6. Lacking compassion: One of the telltale signs of a toxic person is their lack of empathy or compassion towards other people and what they are going through. Toxic people make negative assumptions about others and are unable to demonstrate empathy and compassion to others.

7. Always gossiping and talking badly about others: Toxic people are also insecure people who try to make themselves feel better by talking badly about others when they’re not around. You can be sure that someone who talks about others behind their backs, will also talk about you behind yours.

8. Negativity: One of the biggest indicators that someone is toxic is constant negativity and a negative attitude. This is not to be confused with realism as many realists have been labeled negative people. In this case, negativity includes many factors such as being overly sarcastic, constantly complaining, whining, and most of all, judging people and situations.


8 Signs That Show You Have A Toxic Person In Your Life
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