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You can get spot-free and soft glowy skin with just one simple ingredient – lemon! Sounds great, right?

Well, yes it is and it’s very simple – you just have to take a look at the article below and find out more about this.

According to the experts, our skin is dull because it has layers of dead skin on it. So, you just have to remove it and you can see instant glow on your face.

As we mentioned before, you will just need a lemon and a pinch of salt. Here’s what you need to do – on a lemon slice put some salt and use this to scrub your face gently. Scrub it gently for 2 minute and then you need to wash it off with cold water.

Then, you need to after this mask on your face for 15 minutes. Here’s what you need to do – just mix rice flour, honey and lemon juice. Note: if needed, you can also add some water. Apply this cream on your face and wash it off after 15 minutes. Pat dry your face and apply moisturizer.

Source: healthyfoodhouse

Use Lemon Slice To Get Spot Free Soft Glowy Skin In 2 Minutes
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