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Even if you’re not a smoker, passive smoking, that is, being around smokers, can have serious consequences on your lungs’ health. Therefore, you should cleanse your airways with a beverage prepared from three simple ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen.

These ingredients are ginger, onion, and curcuma. For centuries, ginger has been popular for its power to eliminate the excessive mucus in the lungs. Moreover, onions have the power to prevent the occurrence of pulmonary diseases, whereas curcuma is rich in vitamins and minerals and it possesses antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-carcinogenic properties.

Needed: 1 kg of onions - 1 liter of water - 4000 grams of honey or sugar - 2 spoons of curcuma - 1 ginger root

Preparation: Dissolve the honey or sugar in the water and then put them to boil. Cut the onions into quarters. Then, cleanse the ginger root and add it to the water together with the cut onion pieces. When the mixture boils, add the curcuma and lower the heat. Simmer until the water lowers in half. Then, strain the content and pour it into a glass jar. When it cools down, store it into the fridge.

Use: Consume two spoons every morning on an empty stomach and at night two hours after your last meal.

Source: healthtipssource

A Savor For Smokers’ Lungs: a Potent Drink Of Only 3 Ingredients!
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